LoadTrek Presents HOS and ELD topics at Postal Conference in Memphis

The National Star Route Main Contractors Association will hold their South/Central region meeting in Memphis. We will be meeting at the Memphis Marriott East Hotel; 5795 Poplar, Memphis TN. We start at 0830 on Thursday November 13, and finish at 1200 Friday November 14.

Joel Beal will explain the upcoming Hours of Service exemption request for US Mail. Egor Korneev will present ELD Basics.

From the Post Office side, Jennifer Stevenson will present the USPS’ new Dynamic Routing Plan. Contract Officer Keith Harris and Highway Specialist Doug Veatch will be speaking about their respective areas.

How to Prepare for an FMCSA Investigation/Drug Alcohol Training – Oct. 8

The TXTA Training Institute will be conducting a seminar concerning the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Drug and Alcohol Training.

David Hedgpeth, Hill Country Transportation Resources, will present the material at the TXTA headquarters in Austin.

The benefits of attending include: Know for sure you are ready for an audit, Know how to better maintain driver files, Receive 120 minutes of required alcohol/drug supervisor training, Learn how to respond to a penalty claim letter, Find out What items trigger a safety audit, What questions will be asked, What records will be checked, How records are selected, Differences in acute and critical violations, How penalties are determined, How your carrier rating is determined.

Wednesday, October 8
How to Prepare for an FMCSA Investigation
Weller Training Institute
Austin, Texas

To register, visit: www.texastrucking.com

LoadTrek 301 – Administrator Certification

LoadTrek Software is pleased to announce the Administrator Certification Program. LoadTrek 301 is a three day course designed to provide training and certification as a LoadTrek Administrator. The Administrator will function as the primary point of contact for all internal questions related to the LoadTrek software and hardware. After completing this course, the attendee will be able to identify and correct issues related to all standard LoadTrek processes. The LoadTrek 301 course will not cover initial software training topics (creating and assigning loads, dispatching loads, editing HOS logs, etc.) and assumes all basic LoadTrek 101 training has been completed and the attendee has a good understanding of the software and hardware.

The LoadTrek 301 course will focus on advanced training such as: Validation of Dispatcher Duties, Setting up User Regions, Driver Performance Scorecards, Billable and Payable Exceptions, Reviewing Planned vs Actual Data, Maximizing Software Usage and more. Attendees will review and correct examples from live databases to learn how to identify, correct and prevent software and hardware problems at their home location.

How much does it cost?
LoadTrek 301 is currently being offered free to all customers employing the full LoadTrek solution. Attendees are responsible for their own travel, lodging and meals. Future customers will be required to have at least one certified LoadTrek Administrator as a condition for providing free technical support.

When is the course being held?
Two LoadTrek 301 Courses have been scheduled: October 6-8 and November 3-5 2014

Where is the course taking place?
LoadTrek Headquarters – 122 West Washington Ave, Suite 500, Madison, WI

How do I sign up?
Use the link below to RSVP and identify which LoadTrek 301 session you would like to attend. Link: http://www.loadtrek.net/LT301_SignUp.html.
Please RSVP by September 26th for the October 6-8 session.

Is there a minimum number of attendees?
The LoadTrek 301 courses will be held if 4 or more customers sign up to attend the session.

How many people can attend from my company?
We request only 2 attendees per LoadTrek customer for an individual session. Since we are hosting two fall sessions, you can send a total of 4 attendees (2 each session).

What should I bring?
Everyone that signs up will receive a follow up email containing a list of suggested items and knowledge to bring to the training. The attendee packet will also list lodging options and an outline of the course content.

LoadTrek Training Webinar Schedule and Topics – Week of 9/8/2014

Webinars will last approximately 30 minutes, with 20-25 minutes of instruction followed by a 5-10 minute Q & A session.

Invitations and links to register for the next scheduled webinar will be sent prior to each session. All webinars will be recorded and posted to the existing LoadTrek training video library.

9/10/2014 15:00 Central New Map Features – Driver Status and Hours Display

Interested in joining? Contact us to enroll.

Are you a USPS Contractor? You Need to Join Us in San Diego

The National Star Route Mail Contractors Association (NSRMCA) will be holding its annual meeting in San Diego August 24-27. If you are a contractor for the United States Postal Service – you need to be at this meeting. Not a member of the NSRMCA? Attend as a guest and if you like what you see – we’ll sign you up as a member.

LoadTrek will be there – we are actively participating in the meetings and we are running a project that could dramatically change the way all USPS contractors operate. It will be unveiled at the meeting. And no, you don’t need to be a LoadTrek client to take advantage of this program. There are other initiatives in place that will change the way you do business. Check it out, big news is coming.

Attending our meeting will be Congressman Darrell Issa of California, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee. Patrick R. Donahoe, Postmaster General will be attending along with other USPS officials.

Learn more about the NSRMCA here.

Questions? Contact Joel Beal.