Together with the National Star Route Mail Contractors Association, we are seeking an exemption to some provisions of the Hours of Service regulations for transporting mail under contract with the United States Postal Service. The goal; to allow a single driver to complete both halves of a postal split shift operation.
We need your help, and we are conducting a survey of USPS HCR contractors.
If you are an NSRMCA member – you may participate here.
We propose that all drivers hauling US Mail under contract to the United States Postal Service be eligible for an exemption from 49 CFR §395.3(a)(2) of the hours of service regulations. We propose that a driver may not drive a US Mail-carrying commercial motor vehicle more than 10 hours following 8 consecutive hours off duty; nor drive after having been on duty 15 hours following 8 consecutive hours off duty.
To qualify for this exemption, a driver must have a rest opportunity. The NSRMCA proposes that this include a sleeper berth as defined in 49 CFR §395.2 and 383.76, or nearby rest facilities that would include a driver’s residence or commercial lodging facility.