Seminars will discuss the four key revisions to the existing HOS Rules:
•The 30-minute break rule requiring a break after 8 hours of consecutive driving
•The sleeper-berth exception to allow drivers to split their required 10 hours off duty into two periods
•The adverse driving conditions exception
•Changes to the short-haul exception available to certain commercial drivers
Dates & Times
September 10, 2020 @ 9:00AM
September10, 2020 @ 1:00PM
September 22, 2020 @ 9:00AM
September 22, 2020 @ 1:00PM
To Register for a Seminar, go to:
How the hours of service rules for truck drivers ever became a safety regulation is a question that has vexed many in the industry.
Source: Where Did the Hours of Service Rules Come From, Anyway?
Texas and Louisiana have declared state emergencies due to Harvey. These declarations
automatically waive select FMCSRs, including hours-of-service (HOS) regulations, for motor
carriers hauling resources to aid in restoration efforts. The declarations exempt FCMSR in every state along the motor carrier’s route as long as the final destination is with the declared disaster areas in Texas or Louisiana.
Find FMCSA’s emergency declaration here.
I’ll start off by addressing our LoadTrek clients – No matter what happens, it’s simply a matter of adjusting your HOS profile parameters. If the HOS rules change, you can quickly and simply accommodate these new rules in your AOBRD / ELD.
Why another HOS rule? There was a mistake made in last year’s budget package in regards to the 34 hour restart. This mistake in wording essentially nullified the 34 hour restart, although FMCSA decided to not enforce what is obviously a mistake.
The proposed rule states that a driver may not come off his 34 hour restart break if that driver has worked more than 73 hours in a 7 day period. The proposed rule does not change the existing 60 hours/7 days or 70 hours/8 days rule.
The rule must make it out of the House. If it makes it to the President, he has indicated he will veto the measure.
Before we do anything – let’s see if the rule changes or makes it out of the House.