For-Hire Motor Carriers Asked to Participate in Operational Costs Survey

Apr 16, 2015 | Industry News

Arlington, VA – The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) today launched its annual data collection to update the 2014 Operational Costs of Trucking report.  The brief on-line survey seeks to capture basic cost information from for-hire motor carriers such as driver pay, fuel costs, insurance premiums and lease or purchase payments.  Carriers are asked to provide full-year 2014 cost per mile and cost per hour data.

The results of this survey, combined with the previous Operational Costs of Trucking reports, will yield seven full years (2008 – 2014) of trucking cost information derived directly from fleet operations.  This research provides carriers with an important high-level benchmarking tool and government agencies with real world data for future infrastructure improvement analyses.

For-hire motor carriers are encouraged to provide confidential operational cost data through ATRI’s survey, available online at  The results of this study will be available later this year.

ATRI is the trucking industry’s 501(c)(3) not-for-profit research organization.  It is engaged in critical research relating to freight transportation’s essential role in maintaining a safe, secure and efficient transportation system.


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