2018 Unified Carrier Registration

Jan 5, 2018 | Industry News

Today the federal government released the reduced 2018 registration year fees for the Unified Carrier Registration Plan (UCR). The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which has oversight of UCR, published the final rulemaking ( The new fees, set forth below, go into effect immediately.


UCR registrants (i.e. interstate motor carriers, freight forwarders, and brokers) that register for UCR through the national UCR online registration system administered by the Indiana Department of Revenue should be able to register for the 2018 registration year later today. The Indiana website, which UCR registrants based in any state may use to register, is: On the other hand, UCR registrants that register through one of the state run UCR systems may have to wait a few more days before the state system is ready to process the 2018 registration. UCR registrants registering through one of the state run UCR systems should consider checking with the state administrator to confirm when that state’s UCR system will be ready to process 2018 registrations.


Because the 2018 registration was delayed several months, the UCR Board is requesting that states delay enforcement for 90 days after the fees go into effect; that is, until April 5, 2018. That said, there is no guarantee that state enforcement officers will adhere to this request and as such UCR registrants may want to consider promptly submitting their 2018 registration to avoid any UCR enforcement issues arising.


2018 UCR Registration Year – Fees


Bracket Fleet Size Annual Fee
1 0-2 $69
2 3-5 $206
3 6-20 $410
4 21-100 $1,431
5 101-1,000 $6,820
6 1,000+ $66,597


Interstate brokers and interstate freight forwarders not operating commercial motor vehicles are only required to pay the minimum $69 annual UCR fee.

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